The most important thing a person can have is a great group of friends. Your friend group is the only group of people you get to choose to be around, so when you choose them make sure you do so wisely.
We live in a generation where people think everyone is out to get them and they have no one they can trust. I am blessed to say that I have no idea what that feels like, and if I'm right, I'll never have to.
I firmly believe that people change people; my amazing group of friends have changed me in the best ways possible. All through my childhood people questioned everything I did from the way that I talk to the way I behave. Those people have been stunting my growth for most of my life, and sadly I am just now learning the importance of the company I keep.
The people you have around you have the power to change your entire future or keep you from having one. You should want to have people in your corner that are going to take you and put you on the next level; not because it makes them look good, but because they want you to see yourself in a positive light. Your friends should be able to see your greatness before it even starts and help nurture it. Your friends should inspire you to be the best version of yourself no matter how far you think you are from being that person.
Always remember you aren't really blessed if you can't be a blessing.
I was blessed with the world's greatest friends. These beautiful individuals picked me up when I felt like I could not be any lower. They saved me from my own self-doubt and everyone that made me question my individuality. Before I met them, I was always looking for something that made me like everyone else; that would put me on the same level as everyone else. With them I learned that there is no way possible that I could be on the same level or in the same lane as anyone else. They make me believe that the world needs more of me; and this is how I'm choosing to show myself.
In return for basically saving my life, I make the conscious decision to pop up and remind them of how loved and appreciated they are. This is one of those times. I never even told them most of this, but the friends that I have now have only ever been right for me. They came just in time, and we've continued to grow together for years. Sometimes its not what you have, but who you are that makes you a valuable asset to someone. Its not what you can do for them, but how you treat them that people remember.
With that being said, don't be afraid to show people you care; you may rekindle a fire in them they never realized they had.